
Once and for All: Loading Device Tree Overlays (at runtime)

Time for another Once-And-For-All post - tasks I do periodically (but not weekly) and keep forgetting the command syntax. Today: Loading Device tree overlays at runtime. # Mount kernel configfs mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config/ # Create the device tree node (name doesn't really matter) mkdir /sys/kernel/config/device-tree/overlays/rotary-enc # cat the device tree overlay to a special file cat /boot/overlays/rotary-encoder.dtbo > /sys/kernel/config/device-tree/overlays/rotary-enc/dtbo Note: This is raspberry-pi specific! Raspberry-Linux has a patch that allows loading overlays at runtime.

Once and for All: iptables and udev rules

I hope I can remember it now

Time for another Once-And-For-All - tasks I do periodically (but not weekly) and keep forgetting the command syntax. I got myself a brand-new BeagleBone Black A6. When you attach the device via usb (and have a correctly configured kernel) it will appear as USB Gadget device with 3 classes a usb-uart serial device (CDC), a mass-storage device (MSC) and a usb-networking adapter (rndis_host). Magic™ will take care that it already has an ipaddress (192.

Once and for All: substrings & substitiution in bash/zsh

Great shell foo (and a bit of imagemagick)

This is the first post in the new Once-And-For-All category. Maybe it’s just me who keeps forgetting commands and syntax from one use to the other. I don’t know how often I already googled simple basic actions like bash-syntax only to forget the the other week. Now to avoid future googling I decided to write a post. Today’s episode: Batch-renaming and conversion of all PNG-files in current folder to a 128x128 pixel JPEG using ImageMagick ‘convert’ (foo.